Who needs the information
Have effective communication at all times. different forms of communication in a youth company THE 5WS OF COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT The 5Ws of communication management refer to 5 questions that should be answered and help us keep in mind the most important aspects of project communications. These guidelines must be guided and supervised by the Project Manager in order to have the desired success.What information: What information is crucial to take into account for the project? Who: ? When: When do you need to have that information? Where: What is the format in which this information should be received? Why: Chinese Overseas Europe Number DataWhy is it necessary for this information to be communicated? The 5Ws can be supported by other 2Hs according to Appvizer magazine 1 : How: How will the information be made known? How much: that is, how much will the campaign, message or any other means implemented to transmit the data cost.
This tends to be more relevant when communication management occurs externally. TOOLS FOR COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT Of course, to control a company's communication we can use different management tools . With them we can eliminate the barriers that usually arise in this field. These tools are oral, written, digital and even audiovisual.