Author Abstract Using data from a novel
Search for information facts was indeed more efficient the more connected the organization. But performance in interpreting the information figuring to develop solutions was undermined by too much connectedness. The same connections that helped individuals coordinate their search for information also encouraged individuals to reach consensus on less than perfect solutions making connectedness a true double edged sword.The authors conclude with a discussion of implications for both theory and practice in our increasingly connected small world and suggest directions for future research. Key concepts include Chinese Overseas America Number Data Problem solving requires two important and complementary forms of search searching for information for the facts that may be important pieces of the puzzle and searching for solutions for theories that combine puzzle pieces into an answer . The same network structure can promote or inhibit knowledge diversity depending on whether that knowledge consists of information or interpretations of information. Good communication structures may only be good for parts of the process of collective problem solving structures that are good now may be bad later.
Organizations might be wise to adopt different communications structures for different phases of collective problem solving. Rather than allow the march of technology to dictate organizational performance it is possible to imagine how technology could be harnessed to achieve different performance goals. laboratory experiment on complex problem solving in which we varied the network structure of person organizations we investigate how an organization s network structure shapes performance in problem solving tasks. Problem solving we argue involves both search for information and search for solutions. Our results show that the effect of network structure is opposite for these two important and complementary forms of search.