Response times decreased by % without additional optimization features. Main advantages When looking for the benefits of OPCache that fit the theme of websites, we have selected main aspects that may prove to be the most compelling as to why you should not wait to enable the above cache engine. advantages of opcache Increased efficiency Once the OPCache is entered, the PHP script is interpreted and converted into machine code, it is stored in shared memory.
Subsequent requests (after the first compilation process) skip the analysis and caching phases and use the code stored in the above-mentioned memory, reducing PHP execution time. In other words, OPCache improves performance by being photo editor able to handle more requests at the same time. Simpler work Using a single compilation process also makes life easier for developers, as it bypasses the caching step required in other languages, such as or Java, allowing changes to PHP code to be made with OPCache enabled and seen immediately.

Trivial installation and configuration OPCache is very easy to configure, as settings can be changed using commands/options in the php.ini file. The installation itself on the website (if you are a JCHost.pl customer) takes place in a few clicks and takes place in the hosting panel. OPCache installation We mentioned above that installing OPCache is very simple. We had good reasons for this, because the entire implementation process is based on steps and requires only clicks.