You can choose super detailed features, including: Which part of your website, or which profile on your social networks — or even which of your services, products or applications — has this audience interacted with before; And, within this audience that interacted with your brand, what age, gender, tastes and location of these people are of greatest interest to carry out your strategy? The potential for creating optimized campaigns is infinite with access to filtering data like this. With possibilities like this, the limit of your chances of capturing new leads (and making a profit) will completely depend on your expertise and your imagination! Key metrics in remarketing Once you have your remarketing strategy ready and running, you will need to keep an eye on three very important metrics and indicators to monitor.
Metrics and indicators do exactly that: they indicate objective numbers across different contexts that you can use to understand the health of your campaigns and compare their performance! When remarketing, pay attention to: CTR is the "Click Through Rate": the average number of people clicking on your ads. It is a direct indication of how persuasive or Middle East Mobile Number List relevant your message or offer is to people, since only those who feel really instigated will click on them!4 I've already talked about ROI before: it's the return on investment not just at the campaign level, but at the level of representing remarketing within your business's financial objectives.
The bigger the better! Conversion rates indicate the average number of people who perform the action you defined as the objective of your remarketing strategy: completing a purchase, filling out a form, speaking to your sales team, opening content and so on! I recommend that you analyze this data and meet with your team to interpret it weekly. Depending on the case, even daily! Tip: Digital Marketing Metrics and Indicators: learn how to use them The important thing is not just to see the numbers, but to translate the message they carry.