Did you know that most of our communication is non-verbal? The tone of voice, expressions, gestures and overall body language of someone help us understand and engage with what they are saying. Because of this, video interviews project a sense of being true to the interviewee that no other form of interview does. approaching an interview video, you might want to: Find a comfortable, quiet and well-lit space for the interview.
(Though you could add a blooper or two at the end to keep that super human touch!) Delete the actual Chinese American Phone Number List questions and replace them with text. If you do this, you can make your video shorter. (But if the interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee is important in this case, better leave that alone). Now you know: if you are looking to add new subscribers and keep your existing ones engaged, video is the way to go! Shake up your blog with different videos and… keep on blogging in a free world! Let us know how it went.

This post was written by Víctor Blasco.y Yum Yum Videos. He is also an audiovisual designer and video marketing expert. Aside from running the business, he loves studying Chinese philosophy and is a science fiction film and comics geek! The force is strong with this one. SHARMake sure you do not interrupt your interviewee. This will make editing much easier. Edit the unnecessary parts. There surely are moments of hesitation and digression that will not add to the video and can make viewers get bored or distracted.