We must be constantly seeking continuous improvement, in this case, the optimization of actions, the website, social networks... If we want to direct digital marketing towards conversion, all the marketing actions that we generate and develop in the digital world must incorporate, YES or YES, these four pillars . Are your actions really focused on conversion? Tools for conversion There are many tools that will help us to ensure that the Internet user who browses looking for information, products and services performs the action that we have previously designed for them. Obviously, it is essential to achieve conversion that we know the potential target audience, make correct segmentation and attack the correct target.
Another aspect of common sense, which we Czech Republic Phone Number List sometimes forget, is that for the conversion to work, we need to generate traffic to the website, landing... because without traffic, the conversion rates will be very low. Tools that will help us direct our actions towards conversion: – Forms: for standardized use, they collect key information from the potential client to incorporate it into the database, send them a test of the product... – Subscriptions: data collection so that the user receives information at home from the company, from newsletters, to reports, commercial proposals...

Downloading content: based on data collection, it is possible to download relevant information of interest to the user: reports, market studies, e-books , guides ... – Coupon or Boucher: it is an alternative to direct online purchasing, where, based on data collection, the user is enabled to download a coupon with benefits that may or may not be redeemed. – Number of followers: another tool for conversion can be the generation of new followers or fans through online actions such as Facebook Ads or Twitter campaigns… – Registration: for free conferences or courses , webinars, or to be a member of forums and communities of interest