Our telebot identifies the customer by his customer number and additional questions. It tells how much money is in the account, unblocks the website, changes the telecode or limits. Performs debit card operations, provides credit card account information and indicates the opening hours of branches. If he is unable to resolve the matter, he will redirect the client to the appropriate advisor. The customer does not have to verify the customer's identity again or ask about the reason for the connection, because he already has all the information. Chatbots help in a similar way. This means that our advisors have more time to talk to the client, examine their needs and look for solutions that meet these needs.
Newsletter Email address Enter your email address Have you noticed any potential risks associated with such solutions? I think the biggest risk is decreased customer satisfaction. That's why we don't make it Algeria WhatsApp Number difficult for our clients to contact an advisor we give them a choice. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that our customers are satisfied with the use of bots. At the end of each conversation, we ask questions regarding the assessment of the quality of service. Currently, of customers are satisfied with the case resolved by the bot up from at the end of December . Also, of customers estimate that the bot adequately asked questions during service an increase from at the end of December . Customers are willing to recommend this website up from at the end of .

What data is processed by AI at Credit Agricole? AI processes data necessary to implement individual customer instructions, including customer authentication, in accordance with the scope also required in the conversation with the advisor . Are there other areas where you use AI? Yes, in the mobile application in PFM Personal Finance Manager. Our first and main goal is to teach the client how to properly manage finances. The basic key to analyzing the customer's situation is his behavior and transactions. They are the main engine driving the AI mechanism in the PFM area. Proper categorization using the machine learning model allows you to perform basic analyzes of the client's expenses and inflows.