Indeed, several industry studies have shown that short URLs tend to have a slight advantage in Google search results. 50. URL Path : A page closer to the home page may benefit from a slight increase in authority compared to pages buried deep within a site's architecture. 51. Human Editors: Although never confirmed, Google has filed a patent for a system that allows human editors to influence SERPs. 52. Category of the page: The category in which the page appears is a signal of relevance.
May receive a higher relevance score than a page Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number ranked in a category unrelated to the keyword. 53. Keyword in URL : This is another relevance signal. A Google representative recently called this a " very low ranking factor ." But it remains a ranking factor. 54. URL string: Categories in the URL string are read by Google and can provide a thematic signal about what the page is about: URL Channel Categories 55. References and Sources: Citing references and sources, as research papers do, can be a sign of quality. Google's quality guidelines state that reviewers should be mindful of sources when reviewing certain pages.

"This is a topic where expertise and/or authoritative sources are important. .". However, Google has denied using external links as a ranking signal. 56. Bulleted Lists and Numbered Lists: Bulleted lists and numbered lists help break up your content for readers, making it more user-friendly. Google probably shares this view and probably favors content with bullets and numbers. 57. Page priority in the Sitemap: The priority given to a page via the sitemap.xml file.