Korea took the lead by putting pressure on Jordan from the beginning of the first half. Jordan focused on defense and attempted a counterattack, but was blocked by Korea's defense and failed to score. Summarizing the AI match prediction for the Korea Asian Cup semifinals According to AI predictions, if South Korea loses against Jordan in the semifinals, it will be a one-point game. Although the odds of victory are high, it is expected that the close game will continue this time. I hope that we can win the game through strong pressure in the center and active penetration of space from the first half, not the second half. We support Korea’s victory. Although he was a very famous singer, singer Sung Si-kyung is creating more and more topics this year. This is because, among the YouTube content he started during the COVID-19 period, 'I'll Eat', which introduces Sung Si-kyung's treasured restaurants, resonated with many people. When Sung Si-kyung's.
I'm Going to Eat was introduced, the wait at the restaurant increased significantly, and a funny Cambodia Phone Number Data episode was introduced on several broadcasts in which people could often hear people swearing at Sung Si-kyung while standing in line. (Figure 1) A scene that tells the episode of Waiting for the Eat Will Te program (Source: You Quiz on the Block) As of August 2023, 101 contents have been uploaded to the channel. Each piece of content is viewed a minimum of 500,000 times and a maximum of 5 million times, making it easy to check the topicality of the content. By checking search data in addition to the number of video views , you can see in-depth how much the content contributed to the buzz and sales of restaurants . We will use Hubble to look at the topicality of the content from various perspectives. of the past year (2022.08 ~ 2023.07). However, it does not include search data for YouTube's very early or very recent content. Sung Si-kyung's I'll Eat It, how popular was it? The number of searches related to the keyword “I would eat” over the past year was approximately 3.03 million .

The moment when the program reached its peak of popularity was in April 2023, when it reached 1 million subscribers . Afterwards, search terms continued to decline, but the search volume rebounded slightly after appearing on You Quiz. (Table 1) Trend of search terms related to I’ll Eat / 2022.08 ~ 2023.07 (Source: Listening Mind ) So what kind of content is being searched for in relation to things to eat? Excluding program name search terms (ex- I will eat, Sung Si-kyung will eat) and list-related search terms (ex- I will eat, list of restaurants), grouping can be done into four major topics . Let’s check which detailed keywords were the most talked about for each topic. [ I would eat + region] Which region did people search for the most? Daegu > Gangnam > Yeosu > Busan This is a search term with the intention of searching for restaurants mentioned in the list of things to eat in a specific area.