Mobile updates and be up to date with the configurations, otherwise it may happen that your site appears completely misconfigured. ADVERTISEMENT Responsive designs is the best option , without the need for separate URLs or different HTML for each device. This is the friendliest option and the one that will give you the best results. We are talking about a concept that is defined as “a design philosophy”.
You centralize all content in a single URL; You avoid all the heavy Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List lifting of labeling duplicate content; It doesn't redirect, which saves you trouble. As a result it makes the site very easy to use. What do we call responsive design? It is a type of design that adapts to the size of the device on which content is displayed, and that also facilitates the entire process. It is cheaper: because you only make one design; Reduces the user bounce rate: those who leave the page without interacting, often because they cannot view the content correctly; Produces more conversions;

Increases the efficiency of the marketing strategy. Good responsive design practices Prioritize user experience All this practice arises from the need to adapt to the user experience . It is not only image definition, but also loading speed, relevance of the information, layout, also including the geo-location factor, among others. Think Responsively The trick is very simple: use your common sense, the most common of senses. If you know that you will need to be flexible for several types of devices, simpl