Therefore, once we have segmented, we can adapt the communication style. For example, if we have detected that our target audience is 40-year-old executives and we want to sell a car, we will probably use much more formal language than if we sell a car to a young 22-year-old boy or girl.
Furthermore, knowing the geographic location of the Phone Number List target can help us adapt messages to that territory. Not only that, being clear about what needs the client has will help us develop our messages based on the solution we are providing. 4. different customer segments will increase our conversion by being able to direct marketing efforts to each of them independently and adapted.

In fact, the more we can define and limit it , the more likely we are to succeed and reach it. 5. New marketing opportunities By defining different customer segments we can understand their needs specifically and try to develop strategies, products and even new business models adapted to each of them.