Of the currently applicable Act of July - Telecommunications Law Journal of Laws , item 2460 an itemsereinafter referred to as hereinafter referred to as "PT", which will constitute the regulatory fr in Poland. ithe European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications page 1 . Electronic communications law - issues discussed: The need and purpose of developing a draft act What will the new Electronic Communications Law regulate The most important changes Electronic communications law - summary.
You can read about what the government bill on Electronic Communications assumes in this article. The need and purpose of developing a draft act In the justification to the draft Electronic phone number list Communications Act, it was indicated that the need to develop a new act results from the need to implement into the Polish legal order the provisions of Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, hereinafter referred to as "EKŁE". Replacing the current IT.

Act with a new legal act is justified by the scope and number of changes as well as the need to organize, reword and often simplify the existing provisions of the IT Act. IMPORTANT - the government's draft Electronic Communications Act is intended to replace the current Act of JulTelecommunications Law. The aim of the government's bill is to encourage investment in high-speed broadband networks, ensure a coherent internal market approach to radio spectrum policy and spectrum management, promote the interests of end-users by removing barriers to access to services and protecting their rights, and ensuring greater effectiveness of the regulatory institutional framework of the electronic communications market.tative easing purchase of securities . During this period, there was also a decline in oil prices, which is of a future recession.