All that knowledge is useless if you don't know how to use the visual search resource to contribute to your ecommerce, do you agree? Therefore, you must also understand how you can optimize your strategy so that your customers find your products through visual search. If you already understand how Content Marketing works , this process will be easier. Just as in any type of content created to be found on the Internet, images related to your ecommerce must be worked with techniques . After all, there are a wide variety of competitors trying to reach the same audience as you .
Thus, it is essential to understand the factors considered by Phone Number List Google to define the positioning of images. In the most recent algorithm change, the main factors are: image and content quality; domain authority; relevance of information; authenticity; location; context in which it is. Detail the information Your image must be accompanied by detailed information about the product it represents. Only then will it be included in the product suggestions related to the consumer's search . The more details of the product characteristics you provide, the better the understanding of the algorithm will be.

Furthermore, remember that one of the great resistances presented by the public in relation to online purchasing is the lack of security about the true characteristics of the product. Therefore, it includes information such as name, measurements, price, brand, buyer reviews, and stock availability. Customize the file name When you save an image file to your computer, a standard name is automatically generated. When uploading this image for your website, the platform used will generate a link containing part or all of the title identified in the file. That way, make sure to give the document a name related to your content .