Effort Effort is the total effort, resources, and time required to complete a project. Quantifying the effort can help product managers understand the value of a feature and whether it’s worth continuing to use. Effort is usually measured in person-hours or person-months. If the Effort score is small, it means the project can be completed quickly. For example: If a specific item on the roadmap has an impact of , the PM might consider looking at the overall .
RICE score before deciding to put it on the priority list. Now let’s take it a step further and see what the RICE score A vital component of the RICE model is the RICE score Product mana Argentina WhatsApp Number gers can confidently place roadmap items on a hierarchy based on quantifiable attributes across four parameters using this score RICE score is widely used to get well-rounded answers to questions like: How many people will benefit from a particular feature What a new feature's impact will potentially be How much effort will be required to achieve specific goals?

How to calculate the RICE Score Once product managers assign numerical values to the different RICE components, the next step is estimating the RICE Score This score can be obtained as the product of the scores assigned to Reach, Impact, and Confidence factors, dividing this product by the Effort score RICE Score = Reach*Impact*Confidence/Effort This figure shows how RICE is calculated Priority score.