In recent years, coupled with the momentum to promote DX, the percentage of companies expressing interest in investing in ERP has been on the rise. Differences from core system There is a "core system" that is used in a similar way to ERP, but the purpose of use for the two is different. A core system is a system for managing business data, which is the basis of corporate management, for each business. Core operations include "accounting," "human resources," "production," "sales," and "inventory." Data is managed for each business, so when exchanging data between different departments, such as the sales department and the accounting department,
additional effort is required to link the systems. On the other hand, ERP's main purpose is to centrally manage the various business data that exists in a company. Therefore, by introducing ERP, data can be exchanged relatively smoothly Phone Number List between different departments, and the business status of a company can be visualized in real time. Therefore, it can be said to be of great help to management in making appropriate decisions with a sense of speed.

An engineer explains the benefits and points to note when introducing ERP implementation method Next, let's check the methods of implementing ERP. Depending on how ERP is implemented, it can be classified into the following two patterns. scratch development ERP package development Let's check each one in turn. Method 1. Scratch development Scratch development refers to developing a unique ERP system from scratch to suit your company's business.