Drucker (business management theorist, 1909 – 2005) defined the concept of management by objectives (MBO, Management By Objectives). This concept consists of setting quantitative and/or qualitative objectives within a temporally defined horizon . Peter F. Drucker also specifies that we must seek to involve the members of a team in defining objectives, then seek to measure and evaluate their performance. Without formally using the acronym SMART, P.
We have to wait for Phone Number Data an article by George T. Doran (professor of management, 1935 – 2011), “There is a SMART way to write management's goals and objectives” (in Management Review, vol. 70, Issuell., 1980), to see appear the concept of SMART objective. Doran states that SMART objectives should be used as guidelines . What do the five indicators of a SMART goal mean? Let's now look at the five indicators of a smart lens by attempting a general explanation.

Indeed, understanding these five criteria will help you better integrate them, and then transpose them effectively to your Smart marketing objectives. SMART goal (source: www.e-marketing.fr) S for Specific A Smart Goal must be specific. This first criterion is the most important. The more specific you are in formulating the goal, the more effectively you will pursue it. A vague goal gives you very little direction to follow, which will waste both time and energy.