It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, and released a year later. Several years later, two university programmers, Zeev Sourasky and Andy Gutmans, rewrote the base of the original version and released the version that was then called “PHP3.” PHP (PHP) was originally a set of applications written using Perl, and today it is known as a server-side scripting language. When we talk about the Internet today, we are faced with a term that is very difficult to measure, and count its diversity and resources. But PHP has the upper hand in all of this! Powerful enough to be at the heart of the largest blogging platform on the web (WordPress).
Two decades after its inception, PHP has recorded tremendous growth and remains Afghanistan WhatsApp Number very strong today; It controls more than 80% (eighty percent) of all sites on the globe, and this includes the previously mentioned specializations, and many others. There are many features of the PHP language, including: It is open source, so you can view the source code completely free of charge, and you can constantly modify and develop it, given that the language is open source and will remain so. PHP is an easy-to-learn and simple programming language. It is considered one of the programming languages that is characterized by simplicity in terms of codes and parameters.

It is also distinguished by the fact that it has many uses, as it is used in developing programs with a graphical interface, and also in implementing many administrative programs, and widely in the field of the web, writing and developing websites. It can also be used in creating interactive websites. It also enjoys full technical support through the official PHP language website The disadvantages of the PHP language are very few, but some consider that the disadvantages of the PHP language are: The standard libraries containing language-specific functions are relatively cluttered and disorganized, with functions with different names but serving the same purpose. You must know that through us here, First Markets, which is one of the best electronic marketing companies, you can obtain an excellent website. Therefore, here in our company you can benefit from our special offers for website design. Just go to the top of the page and request a quote Or contact us through our Facebook page .